Light the Way Home: Eileen
Southern’s Story | Harvard
Radcliffe institute
Playful and informative, Light the Way Home: Eileen Southern’s Story introduces the major achievements of the pathbreaking music historian Eileen Southern (1920–2002), who in 1976 became the first African American woman tenured in Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Visit the digital exhibit Eileen Southern and the Music of Black Americans to learn more about Southern’s life and legacy: https://eileensouthern.omeka.fas.harv....
Produced by Harvard undergraduates—the filmmaker Daniel Huang ’22, the filmmaker/animator Uzo Ngwu ’23, and the composer/performer Devon Gates ’23—Light the Way Home draws on interviews, archival footage, and Southern’s personal archive to shed light on her illustrious career. The film was funded through the Radcliffe Research Teams program and the Barajas Dean’s Innovation Fund for Digital Arts and Humanities at Harvard.